They fought all the time, and their parents were very unhappy that they were getting married. They met on MySpace (awesome) and were engaged after a month (even better). Marital Status as of 2018: No longer together. Since their marriage wasn’t actually legal (as same sex marriages were not recognized back then), the girls didn’t have to get an divorce when their relationship ended in 2009. Judging from a blog posted to Cassie’s MySpace page, the marriage didn’t end well. “ was a huge mistake…but one thing I do know is that I learned a great deal from being married at age 19,” Cassie wrote. “It’s so strange to be 21 and ‘divorced.’ I was too young to get married…yes everyone was right.
The best thing I learned from my experience is what true love is, and that is someone that is willing to make you feel like an equal…not being too good to suck it up and work hard to make it work and still is head over hills in love with you and wants to spend their life with you. Not to mention someone that doesn’t believe that people deserve to be hit as punishment for stupid little things.